Face Rock, Oregon

Bandon in Coos County, Oregon, is one of my favorite beaches in the state. You’ll find it filled to bursting with huge rock features; the most impressive of which is the surreal, unreal beauty of Face Rock, which as the name implies resembles a huge human head resting in the water. (The impression you’re left with is not unlike seeing the Statue of Liberty stuck within the rocky beach at the close of the original Planet of the Apes film.) But alongside Face Rock, you will find Table Rock, Black Rock, Sisters Rocks, Cat and Kittens Rocks, and many more. During our visit to Bandon in December 2018, Elaine and I found the beach itself mostly lost in the waves under a rare “king tide,” so we predominantly stayed on the cliffs above at Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint and Kronenburg County Park at Coquille Point. With the high water came some fierce, sustained winds, but we held onto our hats and had some great fun.

See other Coos County posts.

Nice person in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.